Mideast Chapter WOCN Member Meeting Cleveland, Ohio
June 9, 2024
Meeting called to order: 7:35am by Julia

Past Presidents Present: Lisa Kirk, Mary Arnold Long, Dea Kent, Kelly Jaszarowski,
Former Director of the Cleveland Clinic: Paula Irwin Toth
WOCN Fellows Present: Mary Arnold Long, Ann Marie Nie, Joy Pittman, and Kelly Jaszarowski

1st time attendees: Recognized

Members present 77 and virtual 6

Attendees: 85

Secretary’s Report (Patti Burke)
Quorum: Yes
Reviewed member meeting minutes from Fall Ann Arbor Conference September 29, 2023. Motion to approve the minutes:
First Motion: Carol Bauer
Second Motion: Ashley Baggerly
September Minutes approved as written.

President Report (Julia Hanna)

  1. Continue with the strategic plan focused on marketing, mentoring, leadership and professionalism.
  2. Reviewed the WOCN reorganization of chapters and affiliates
  3. Website will transition over to a standard template that will be managed by National
    Help to decrease costs by not having a webmaster.
  4. Discussed the increase in dues to $175.00/year or $.50/day.
    Member suggested that the Board do multiple years to give the members a discount.
    This would be a National decision.
  5. Discussed the WOC Spotlight that will appear in the Mid-Eas Dropper to highlight members. Asked members to consider highlighting a fellow member of the MEC.
  6. Recognized the WOCN Fellows from the MEC with Achievement awards
    Mary Arnold Long
    Barb Pieper (not present)
    Ann Marie Nie
    Joy Pitman (former MEC member)
    Kelly Jaszarowski

Megan Smith, National CEC Chair, reviewed how to use the CE site and get your CE transcript.

National Welcome to Cleveland from Dea Kent

  1. Commented on the great turnout the MEC had.

Treasurer’s Report (Molly White)

  1. Checking account balance:
  2. Money Market:
  3. Reviewed the 2024 Budget: See attached
  4. No donations have been received.

President Elect Report (Patti Burke)

  1. Communication
  2. Sending out emails and putting post on the MEC Community.
  3. National wants all communication to go through the Communities since it is more secure site, so MEC will be transitioning away from emails.
    Less than 10 members are getting communication through the MEC Community.
    Members encouraged to go into their WOCN profile to ensure it is checked and they are getting MEC Community communications.
  4. National prefers that members use their personal email vs work email.
  5. Text messages are also available and members need to give their phone number to a Board Member to be included.
  6. Members asked that post be made on Facebook for new Community notifications.
  7. Discussed the newsletter format
    3 members read the recent newsletter.
    Member asked that the newsletter content be in bullets, so content is a concise format and easy to read.
    Zoom members requested text updates.

Director 1 Report (Mo Rosette)

  1. Welcome letters are being sent to new members of the MEC, when new member names are received.
    YTD: 123 letters have been sent out to new members
  2. Mentoring Program
    National is starting a Mentorship Program that will be available through the Community platform
    MEC Mentorship initiative is now called Partners in Practice
    Provide educational topics in a webinar platform to new WOC Nurses?
    Survey will be sent out to new members to rate the topics in the order of importance to them in June

Director 2 Report (Michele Kessie)

Awards presented to:

  1. Excellence in Writing Award: Deanna Vargo, BSN, RN, CWS, FACCWS, CWOCN
  2. Patient Educator of the Year Award: Linda Coulter, BS, BSN, MS, RN, CWOCN
  3. Nurse Researcher Award: Diane Adams, BSN, RN, CWCN and Suzanne Koerner BSN, RN, CWOCN
  4. Professional Educator of the Year Award: Lu Ann Reed, DNP, CRRN, BC-GERO, LNHA, WCC, DWC, CNE
  5. Advanced Practice Scholarship Award: Tashia Watkins, BSN, RN, CWOCN, CFCN
  6. Jeff Bish Scholarship Award: Lydia Council, BSN, RN, CWON
  7. WOC Nurse of the Year Award: Sarah Yount, BSN, RN, CWOCN
  8. Lifetime Achievement Award: Carole Bauer MSN, RN, ANP-BC, OCN, CWOCN
  9. Mideast Chapter Poster Award:
    – Evaluating the Effect of a Nurse Education Program on Pressure Injury and Wound Knowledge and Care
    – Art of pouching: Enhancement of the pouch seal with accessory products for challenging abdomens
    Chizu Sakai-Imoto, BSN, RN, CWOCN,
    Sarah Yount, BSN, RN, CWOCN and
    Therese Cobb, BSN, RN, CWOCN
  10. Mideast Chapter Manufacturer Representative of the Year:
    – Matt Speas, OCA: Hollister
    – Dan Olejarski, MBA: Coloplast

Director 3 Report (Lisa Berning)

2025 Conference will be in Charleston, West Virginia September 11-13, 2025

  1. Theme: Bridging the Curves, Hills and Valleys of WOC Nursing.
  2. Save the date information is on the tables and available at the MEC booth in the exhibit hall.
  3. There will be a collection of ostomy products and accessories for the FOW.
  4. We will be holding a Silent Auction and possibly a live auction since there are no state gaming laws or restrictions for silent or live auctions for non-profits. Start saving those items to donate.

2026 Conference will be in Indiana

  1. Need members to volunteer for the Indiana CPC. Sign-up sheet circulated.

WOCNext 2024

  1. FOW donations can be taken to the Convention Center Room #14 by 12:00 noon Monday 6/10.

Director 4 Report (Tracy Swift)

  1. Positions opened for the Fall Elections are:
    1. President Elect
    2. Secretary
    3. Director #2
    4. Director #4
  2. If you are interested in running for a position, please contact a Board Member or go to the MEC website.

Public Policy Report (Stacey Sharick)

  1. Lymphedema Treatment Act passed
    If you are having problems getting treatment or compression garments, reach out to your representatives
  2. Ostomy supplies- Ohio is looking at getting higher number of ostomy appliances approved.

Historian (Brittany Gesing)

  1. Shared Norma Gill Refection
    Distribution of Norma Gill tote bags
  2. Pictures taken of state attendees

Next Meeting will be virtual: 10/26/2024 9:00 am

Meeting adjourned: 8:35 am

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Patti Burke, BSN, RN, CWOCN