by smartbeesocial | Dec 21, 2020 | Letter from the President, Region Information Page
Dear Mideast Region Friends, November is the perfect time to share thanks for all our blessings. While this has been a challenging year due to the unrelenting COVID-19 pandemic, we still have much to be thankful for and must continue sharing our resilience with those...
by smartbeesocial | Oct 12, 2020 | Letter from the President, Region Information Page
As was announced at the October kick-off meeting, the CE claim form for the presentations will be released at the end of the October, and will be good through January of 2021 for each member who wishes to complete these modules. The instructions will include going to...
by smartbeesocial | Jul 2, 2020 | Letter from the President, Region Information Page
Dear Colleagues, My message is one of hope that we can move forward in the very near future with a safer environment. Covid-19 has certainly had significant impact in our WOC nursing role as well as on our personal lives. Within our own region, we have not escaped the...
by smartbeesocial | Jul 1, 2020 | Government Affairs
MER WOCN Public Policy and Advocacy Update, May 11, 2020 The Home Health Care at Home Act This act would allow improve reimbursement for telehealth care while reducing restrictions to care, this act will last as through the Covid-19 emergency declaration. The ability...
by smartbeesocial | Jun 22, 2020 | Letter from the President, Region Information Page
Please take a moment to check out the newest addition to our website – a job board! Job postings are free for members, so please submit your position details if you have an opening you’re looking to fill. If you’re looking for a new challenge, we...