by smartbeesocial | Mar 23, 2020 | Letter from the President, Region Information Page
WOCNCB If you are looking to take the WOCNCB exams or you are due for renewal, check for messaging. With the current situation, many testing sites are temporarily closed. Additionally, you may be temporarily impacted on your certification renewal. We...
by smartbeesocial | Mar 23, 2020 | Letter from the President, Region Information Page
Certifications Update Dear colleagues, Most important right now is the well-being of you and your loved ones. Certification and recertification is likely not a priority for you at the moment. However, it may interest us all to know that the WOC Certification Board is...
by smartbeesocial | Nov 26, 2019 | Government Affairs
Prior Authorization Required for Pressure Reduction Support Surfaces Effective October 21, 2019 nationwide a prior authorization is required for pressure reduction support surfaces. It is important for WOC nurses to understand the process and share the information to...
by smartbeesocial | Oct 8, 2019 | Government Affairs
An upcoming policy change will soon make it mandatory nationwide to submit prior authorization for Pressure Reducing Support Surfaces. Prior authorization is a process through which a request for provisional affirmation of coverage is submitted for review before an...
by smartbeesocial | Aug 8, 2019 | Region Information Page
President: Linda Stricker Greetings, hoping this newsletter finds each of you enjoying a pleasant summer. If you missed the member meeting in Nashville, here is a recap for you. A number of accomplishments have been achieved by this region in the last 10 years,...
by smartbeesocial | Aug 6, 2019 | Letter from the President, Region Information Page
Dear Mideast Region Member, It is with great sorrow that I send this message concerning a recent event in our own Mideast Region. As you have heard in the news cycle, two more senseless mass shootings have occurred in this country. One of those events happened at the...
by smartbeesocial | Mar 27, 2019 | Government Affairs
March 2019 WOCN Public Policy Report The WOCN Public Policy and Advocacy team is working has narrowed down focus on three projects in hopes of coordination and cohesiveness of regional and national WOCN affiliates. The projects have been subdivided amongst three teams...
by smartbeesocial | Jul 26, 2018 | Government Affairs
The NPUAP has released a consumer survey to be used by the IPUAP to inform the update of the 2019 International Guideline. If you or a loved one have had or work to prevent pressure injury, please take the time to fill out the survey. To find more about the guideline,...
by smartbeesocial | Jul 25, 2018 | Region Information Page
Marilyn Spencer was an early ET nurse at the Cleveland Clinic and worked closely with Norma Gill-Thompson and Dr. Turnbull. She was the fourth person Norma trained. Marilyn and Norma were instrumental in organizing the IAET (precursor to the WOCN). She was active in...
by smartbeesocial | Jul 25, 2018 | Letter from the President, Region Information Page
Dear MER Members, It was wonderful seeing many of you at the WOCN® Conference in Philadelphia. Please check out photos from our membership meeting and general conference on our website. As summer moves on, your board is hard at work. We have decided to develop a...